Nordic Metrology Science

LT registration of measurement instruments

State Register of Measuring Instruments of Lithuania Compliance and
Registration Service

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To start using new measuring devices in the Lithuanian market, they need to be included in the Lithuanian State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Before introducing new measuring devices to the Lithuanian market, it’s essential to ensure they are registered with the Lithuanian State Register of Measuring Instruments. At Nordic Metrology Science, we specialize in facilitating this process for you.

As a designated institution, our role extends beyond mere evaluation. We meticulously review the documentation of your new measuring instrument, ensuring that its metrological characteristics align with the stringent standards required in Lithuania. Our expertise allows us to assess not only the conformity of these characteristics but also the feasibility of performing verifications in Lithuania using existing methodologies.

In cases where standard methodologies fall short, our skilled team is equipped to develop new verification methodologies, tailored to meet the unique requirements of your instrument. This bespoke approach ensures that your device not only meets the legal standards but is also primed for optimal performance in the market.

Adhering to the legal act “Rules of Legal Metrological Regulation of Measuring Instruments,” we compile and prepare a comprehensive package of documents for you. This meticulous process is part of our commitment to ensuring that your entry into the Lithuanian market is smooth, compliant, and successful.

Nordic Metrology Science | Registration of measuring instruments

Experienced Experts, Reliable Results

Our team of highly qualified and experienced metrology engineers is dedicated to providing you with the highest-quality metrology services. We maintain stringent quality control processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our results.

Contact us to discuss your specific metrology needs and receive a personalized quote tailored to your requirements.

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